Archives for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

12 Dec 2012

The Quest

Join Leen Ritmeyer on his search through time as he brings together archaeological and literary evidence that suggests a solution to Jerusalem’s most enduring enigma—the location of Solomon’s Temple and the Ark of the Covenant.


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10 Dec 2012

Virtual Walking Tour of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Have you ever wanted to walk through Jerusalem?

There are 32 stops with stunning panoramic photos. The “Autoplay” setting will take you through all the stops, while in “Manual” you can stop at any time, read the text or zoom in  and navigate with your mouse through the stunning spherical panoramic photographs.

To take the Virtual Walking Tour, click here.

To read more, click here.


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10 Dec 2012

Museum of Archaeological and Biblical History

The Museum of Archaeological and Biblical History is devoted to the history of the Bible.


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